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Comparative Study of Different Pedestrian Cul...

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Comparative Study of Different Pedestrian Cul...

Comparative Study of Different Pedestrian Cultures

Author Name : Neeraj

ABSTRACT In this paper, it is aimed at studying flow at fundamental level. But because of a lot complexities involved in pedestrian flow systems, it is not possible to study pedestrian flow fundamentals completely in unbiased way. So, in this study efforts are made to avoid all sorts of disturbing influences on the basic study of pedestrian flow. In a similar earlier study, pedestrian fundamental diagrams of two widely varied cultures namely, Indian and German are compared statistically and significant differences were found. Motivated by that study, in this thesis it is targeted to see whether these differences are diluted in less varied cultures. To do this, two cultures are chosen; from two places far distance apart within India, namely, Karnal and Roorkee. In addition, also, in the same paper work, it is aimed at observing whether pedestrian fundamental diagram is different between subjects of same gender and a mix of male and female pedestrians in alternate positions. To nullify the disturbing factor, like, pedestrians moving side by side, overtaking, tail-back-effect, etc., a very simple pedestrian flow system is used in which pedestrians move in a single file under closed boundary condition. In this study, it is found that; fundamental diagram from Roorkee is significantly different than that from Karnal.