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Comprehensive Analysis on Reliability of Hydr...

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Comprehensive Analysis on Reliability of Hydr...

Comprehensive Analysis on Reliability of Hydro-Thermal Generation System using Mathematical and ANN Approaches

Author Name : Rajnish Kumar Choudhary, Mr. Prabodh Khampariya, Ishtiyaque Ahmad

ABSTRACT: The size of the power system is growing exponentially due to heavy demand of power in all the sectors viz agricultural, industrial, residential and commercial ones. As such the chance of failure of individual units leading to practical or complete collapse of power supply is common to be encountered. Also a most successful power system is one which works with minimum interruptions. The reliability of power system is therefore most important feature to be maintained above some acceptable threshold value. Further the maintenance of individual units can also be planned and implemented once the level of reliability for given instant of time is known. The paper therefore aims at determining the threshold reliability of generation system. The generation system consists of boiler, water, blade angle in turbine, shaft coupling, excitation system, generator winding, circuit breaker and relay. It is therefore the reliability of generation system shall be effected even when any one of the component’s reliability is at stake. This paper presents the mathematical model of reliability of individual components and equivalent reliability of entire generation system.