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Conceptual Study on Sneh Avartana

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Conceptual Study on Sneh Avartana

Conceptual Study on Sneh Avartana

Author Name : Dr. Apeksha A Patil, Dr. Valmik Prakash Dhangar

ABSTRACT Avartana is a technique of potentiating the formulations of Sneha Kalpana. The reference regarding the use of avartita sneha in Samhitas is particularly in Vatarogas.1The concept of Avartana is known from Samhita period but its application is very limited in due course of time due to its time-consuming procedure, increased cost and its outcome is very less in quantity. Due to the repetitive processing of sneha there may be change in the molecular structure and it may be the reason for its increased efficacy and greater bioavailability Avartana process also facilitate easy and proper administration with reduced dose2 . Also it is a matter of fact that the transformation of simpler structure to its complex-one help to maintain the required serum concentration of its active principle and in-turns delayed excretion. Due to continuous heat application and mixing of ingredients again and again to the filtrate obtained, convert it in a very concentrated form, therefore a little quantity is enough for palliation of the disease. Also due to its higher concentrated form, it is absorbed quickly due to concentration gradient.3