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Condition Assessment and Performance Evaluation of Substructure of Masonry Arch Bridge

Author Name : Ajay Kashid, Dr. Giridhar Narule, Prof. Rushikesh Khartode


Masonry Arch bridges are typically constructed in the 19th and 20th centuries for vehicular traffic. these structures are still serving their designed objectives with no or little aging effects. As the density of traffic increases the capacity of bridges also need to be enhanced. Hence the objective of this research study is to identify the true capacity of the structural components through various Non- destructive techniques available in practice.  The Irwin Bridge of Sangli over the Krishna river is of this category and serving its purpose since 1929. The condition assessment is performed for the substructure of the bridge structure and through simulations, the existing capacity is identified. In order to enhance the capacity, the epoxy grouting is proposed

Index Terms: NDT, masonry arch bridge, load-carrying capacity, Ring 3.2, sub-structure