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Consumer Protection: Current Perspective and ...

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Consumer Protection: Current Perspective and ...

Consumer Protection: Current Perspective and Future Challenges in India

Author Name : Narender Kumar

ABSTRACT:  This paper is an attempt to highlight the current position and future challenges regarding consumer protection in India. The court is to protect interest of consumer and to provide better protections to a consumer against the wrong doer. In 21st century, judiciary and National Commission mainly focused upon welfare of the society by giving effective remedies to weaker sections like consumer. Whether we look into consumer protection act, competition act, article 19(1)(g) of Indian constitution, industrial (development& regulation) act or any other legal provisions, the policy behind these provisions are the same i.e. “Protection of Consumer”. Part-1 is an introduction to Consumer Protection Act,1986, where Preamble definition of consumer under section 2(d) and rational behind section 2(1)(o) is focused with decided cases by Supreme Court. Part-2 focuses upon the Preamble, Anti-Competitive Agreements, Abuse of Dominant Positions, Power and Functions of Competition Commission of India. Under Competition Act, 2000 and future challenges, the rational is same i.e. to give priority to consumer rather only employer and traders. Part-3 refers to proactive role of National Commission or Judiciary to protect interest of consumer and to do natural justice. Part-4 refers to some future challenges which should be keeping into consideration regarding consumer protection. Part 5 refers to conclusion and suggestions.