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Contextual Design Approach on the Relocation ...

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Contextual Design Approach on the Relocation ...

Contextual Design Approach on the Relocation of Slum Dwellers

Author Name : Ar. Shankar. S , Ar. Emiline Madonna, Ar. Vinodh .S

ABSTRACT Over 1.2 billion people in India, 6.5 million people lives in the urban slum according to 2011 census of India. In which Chennai contains one of the major slum populations in India. Main reason for urban slums is the migration and the causes of urban migration can be linked to the lack of infrastructure in rural areas, forcing inhabitants of these regions to seek out work in India's mega-cities. The area needed to accommodate them, however, diminishes as more people go in this direction. Based on government policy on city regularization and beautification, slums located in the urban centers are removed and rehabilitated. Government policies towards the regularizing the city is to remove the slum and develop the city, But the informal developments in the urban areas have a character to retain with the city and people to be taken care. The people who develop the informal settlement are people who work for the urban people as they are availability within the city fabric. These zones act as the service sector of the city. But they are forcefully moved out of the city fabric without considering the consequences. The paper intends to develop a legitimate redevelopment considering the well-being of the slum dwellers by retaining the living ideology, character, and lifestyle followed by the people and make the project viable by all means.