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ISSN: 2455-6211

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Creative Intelligence and Leadership for Chan...

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Creative Intelligence and Leadership for Chan...

Creative Intelligence and Leadership for Changing the Shape of Learning

Author Name : Dr Amandeep Kaur Dhaliwal


Globalization has changed the globe into a small global village; a town where conflict and rivalry between companies, with in educational system, student and teacher’s individual differencesare always expanding in the age of competition. In this setting, the most effective and beneficial strategy for any company, society or trust is to developinventive methods to doing business or work of charity and further development of the institution. This research paper focuses on the function of leadership in the phenomena of organizational transformation and innovation in teaching learning process. The leader, as a responsible person or as a change agent, may lead an organization or an organizational change process more effectively and successfully if he or she is capable and competent. Rapid technology breakthroughs, high consumer expectations and ever-changing teaching learning conditions have pushed the institutions to regularly analyse and rethink the way they operate and to comprehend, embrace and execute changes to their institutional model in response to shifting trends. Developing tendencies Organizational change is a demand of the present and is vital for organisations to exist.Now, institutions are aware of the relevance of this issue and are carefully planning to prepare not only for current trends but also for future trends in order to attain a sustainable level of success, but with all its ramifications and importance, the process of organisational transformation. it is also incredibly intricate and challenging.

Keywords: vision, leadership, innovative approach, organizational change, sustainability.