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Data Security Using Cryptography Encryption &...

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Data Security Using Cryptography Encryption &...

Data Security Using Cryptography Encryption & Decryption and Compression

Author Name : Richa Kunal Sharma, Dr. Nalini Kant Joshi

ABSTRACT Cryptography is popular ways of sending vital information in a secret way. One hides the existence of the message and the other distorts the message itself. There are many cryptographic techniques available and among them AES is one of the most powerful techniques. The scenario of present day of information security system includes confidentiality, authenticity, integrity, non-repudiation. This present paper focus is enlightening the technique to secure data or message with authenticity and integrity. The security of communication is a crucial issue on World Wide Web (internet) and within organizations. It is about confidentiality, integrity and authentication during access or editing of confidential internal documents.