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Decision Operated Bat Approach for Stable Net...

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Decision Operated Bat Approach for Stable Net...

Decision Operated Bat Approach for Stable Network Clustering In Wireless Sensor Network

Author Name : Nasir Ahmad Ganie, Dr Gurinder Kaur Sodhi


WSNs are significantly considered as an important field in communication network because they don’t need any physical media while communicating. WSNs usually consists of at least one Base Station and large no. of sensors that are sued to sense the information in various areas such as climatic conditions, industrial process monitoring etc. However, energy consumption and lifespan of the network are the major issues faced by wireless networks. In this paper a model is proposed to address these issues. For this the nodes are deployed uniformly over the network to utilize the network optimally. In addition to this, the Fuzzy c-means clustering protocol and metaheuristic BAT optimization in collaboration with fuzzy logic algorithm work together to upgrade the cluster head selection phase. The proposed BAT fuzzy model considered the three QoS parameters to generate an output in terms of weightage to be a CH. This output serves as the fitness value for BAT optimization algorithm, the node with the highest fitness value is selected as the CH of that particular cluster. The proposed model is simulated in MATLAB software and a comparison is done with the conventional models. The simulation results proved that the proposed model outperforms the traditional FCM, EHCR-FCM methods in terms of no. alive nodes, FND, HND and LND which ultimately increases the efficiency of the proposed fuzzy based model by reducing the energy consumption and increasing the lifespan of the network.

Keywords: wireless sensor network, cluster formation, fuzzy c mean clustering, energy efficient protocol, etc.