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Deprivation And Hardship InJohn Maxwell Coetz...

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Deprivation And Hardship InJohn Maxwell Coetz...

Deprivation And Hardship InJohn Maxwell Coetzee’s Novel Life And Times Of Michael K

Author Name : Junaid Khalid Khan


The presents study was intended to explore the depravation and hardship in John Maxwell Coetzee’s Novel ‘Life And Times Of Michael K-1983. the research adopted descriptive research so as to explore the results of the  study. The deprivation, hardship and social disintegration were the key elements of apartheid system. The compulsions of deprivation and hardship in relevance of post-colonial aspects were found the basic aspiration of the  entire novel.  Keeping in view, the investigator found that Deprivation and Hardship In The Life And Times Of Michael K-1983 were legalised through the process of cheap labours, so-called treatment and rebellion approach.  Besides, the investigator in the novel “Life and Times of Michael K”  found that this indeed it is  intellectual fictional narrative, which indicates the “political uncongenial role” existing in the South Africa and innocents were the victimised section  of society, which is portrayed  through the Life and Times of Michael K.

Keywords:Deprivation, Hardship, Life and Times of Michael K.