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ISSN: 2455-6211

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Design and Comparison of Various types of Fin...

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Design and Comparison of Various types of Fin...

Design and Comparison of Various types of Fins on a Vertical Plate under Natural Convection Heat Transfer Conditions

Author Name : Prof.S.A.Wani, Mr. Harshvardhan Mahajan, Mr. Pranav Ugale, Mr. Kaustubh Savkar, Mr. Rahul Wadar

ABSTRACT This research focuses on the design optimization and thermal analysis of heat transfer in aluminum fins of varying geometries, specifically rectangular, triangular, and circular shapes, aimed at enhancing thermal management in automotive applications. Utilizing both experimental methods, through a Natural Convection Heat Transfer apparatus, and numerical validation via transient thermal analysis in ANSYS software, this study seeks to identify the most efficient fin shape and material for maximizing heat transfer efficiency.The results indicate that triangular fins outperform rectangular, delta, and trapezoidal fins in terms of heat transfer coefficient.