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Design of dual band broadband modified rectan...

Design of dual band broadband modified rectangular microstrip antenna with air gap for wireless applications

Author Name : Dheeraj Bhardwaj, Deepak Verma, Komal Sharma

ABSTRACT: This paper demonstrates the Dual band Broadband microstrip patch antenna with air gap for wireless applications with improved bandwidth and gain. The antenna have dual bandwidths of 860MHz (4.40GHz – 5.26GHz) or 17.61% and 1670MHz (5.33GHz – 7GHz) or 27.08% covers four bands of WLAN and one band of Wi-Max and one band of IMT. The designed antenna has four resonant frequencies 4.52GHz, 5.67GHz, 6.17GHz and 6.72GHz. The rectangular microstrip patch antenna presented in this paper has six rectangular parallel slits with multilayer arrangement, using Airgap coupling. This antenna is designed and simulated using IE3D simulation software.