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Design Of Schmitt Trigger Based Sem Latch In ...

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Design Of Schmitt Trigger Based Sem Latch In ...

Design Of Schmitt Trigger Based Sem Latch In Cntfet Technology

Author Name : Shefali Bharti, Rajesh Mehra


In this paper, we evaluate the performance of Schmitt trigger latch using carbon nanotube field effect transistor for low power and energy efficient application. In high density nanoscale circuit soft error affects the operation of system. To deal with the issues caused by soft errors and make a tolerant circuit is really challenging. In proposed soft error masking latch, Schmitt trigger circuit along with pass transistor is designed where the hysteresis property is utilizes to mask the transient fault. The performance factors like area overhead, delay and energy consumption also being compared with existing results. Moreover experimental result shows that proposed method provides improve results than existing methods. Simulation is conducted on 16nm technology node of carbon nanotube field effect transistor. The proposed soft error masking latch has ahieved average power  149.35nW and delay of  7.89ps at VDD equal to 1V.

Key words: Carbon nanotube field effectbtransistore, Schmitt trigger, soft errors