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Design of Wheel of a Ladle Car in a Steel Man...

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Design of Wheel of a Ladle Car in a Steel Man...

Design of Wheel of a Ladle Car in a Steel Manufacturing Industry

Author Name : Atul, Lalit Kumar, Bijender Singh

ABSTRACT  Iron and Steel have played an important role in the development of human civilization over the years. Essentially, steel is composed of iron and small amount of other elements like carbon, manganese, silicon etc. Steel by itself is one of the most environment friendly products used in our daily life. The transfer car shall be self-propelled type having four motors on four wheel. Tilting Ladle transfer cars are used to carry hot metal ladles from the HMDS Plant to the convertor section. The Company X designed a teeming ladle transfer car for another giant steel manufacturing company. Teeming ladle transfer car has carrying capacity of 250 ton. It transfers the molten metal from basic oxygen furnace (BOF) to the caster bay area. After few months there was a cracking of wheel of ladle car. In order to fulfil the needs of present teeming ladle transfer car, some improvement must be made based on the above said problem. For resolving the cracking problem wheel of the ladle car, it is desired to design a wheel according to the customer requirement. SOLIDWORKS 2010 is used to design a wheel according to customer requirements.