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Detection of Adulteration In Milk

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Detection of Adulteration In Milk

Detection of Adulteration In Milk

Author Name : M. Sridevi, R.Sridhar, B. Jagan Mohan Reddy

ABSTRACT Milk is an essential commodity in daily life. It is not only a source of good quality protein, but also of calcium and riboflavin besides other nutrients. Milk is most commercially sold commodity both by local vendor’s as well super markets .Due to rules laid by FSSAI, most of the branded products follow appropriate quality in the marketed products. However in local products to increase the yield certain adulterants are added which may affect the nutritional quality of milk. Hence, to know the activity, the present study aimed at knowing adulteration in 5 selected local vendors. The adulteration observed mostly in Milk, the water content is more, but in few samples urea and starch were also observed .Thus, the study clearly brought the fact that foods from local vendors had adulterated sample. A total of 50 samples were collected from different milk vendors in and around Tanuku region, India. All these samples were tested for presence of adulterants and preservatives.