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ISSN: 2455-6211

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Development of Ecofriendly Antimicrobial Fabr...

Development of Ecofriendly Antimicrobial Fabric Using Sida-Cordifolia and Kalanchoe Pinnata Herbs

Author Name : Pooja Kumari,

ABSTRACT: The present investigation aims at developing an eco-friendly, natural antimicrobial finish from Kalanchoe pinnata and sida cordifolia herbs for textile application. Kalanchoe pinnata and sida cordifolia herbal species were screened for their antimicrobial activities by employing preliminary (qualitative) antimicrobial tests. Methanolic extraction procedure was followed for extracting the active substances from herbs. Antimicrobial efficacy was assayed by AATCC agar diffusion test method. The sida –cordifolia leaves (bala ) and kalanchoe-pinnata (pattherchatta ), were found to exhibit antimicrobial activity against the strains of Staphylococcus aureus and E. coli. In this context, selective species of herbs were screened for their antimicrobial activities and the extracts were applied to wool fabrics. An extensive study was conducted to assess the anti-microbial effectiveness of the herbs by employing standard test methods and the findings are discussed in this paper.