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Development of New Questionnaire to Evaluate ...

Development of New Questionnaire to Evaluate Knowledge of Nutrition & Diet Practices of Wrestlers in Maharashtra

Author Name : Dr. Netaji Jadhav, Dr. Swapnil Vidhate


Background and objective: The aim of this study was to develop a questionnaire for assessing nutritional knowledge and Diet practices of wrestlers in Maharashtra.

Design: The first draft of the questionnaire (80 items) was based on literature review. To ensure content and face validity, an expert panel examined the questionnaire. Thereafter, the questionnaire was pilot tested in a group of 40 wrestlers from Pune district of Maharashtra. The results were analyzed for item difficulty, item discrimination, internal consistency and comments made by respondents. In addition the test retest, validity and a total overview of the questionnaire was made by the expert panel. The final questionnaire consisted of 61 items.

Sample: The study was conducted on 540 wrestlers from different weight category from Pune district of Maharashtra.

Results: Results of this study showed that the test retest reliability coefficient was ranged from 0.48 to 0.65. Further, split half reliability was determined in calculating the relationship between the score of each wrestler (even and odd number) in the questionnaire (r=0.68, p<0.01). This ensures that the questionnaire is reliable. Finally, the questionnaire was having 61 items/ questions.

Conclusion: The questionnaire was shown to have good face and content validity among the wrestlers. It has also been found to be useful, easy to administer tool and in a format appealing to respondents. The questionnaire is expected to assist comprehensive data collection to create a profile of knowledge and practices among wrestlers of Maharashtra.

.Keywords: Nutritional knowledge, Diet practices, Wrestlers.