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Disability and Pain Grades of Low Back Pain I...

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Disability and Pain Grades of Low Back Pain I...

Disability and Pain Grades of Low Back Pain In Physical Demanding College Academic Programs

Author Name : Pushpendra, Dr. Chhavi Seghal (PT)

ABSTRACT Background: Lower back agony (LBP) is positioned first as a reason for incapacity and powerlessness to work, furthermore, is relied upon to influence up to 90% of the universes populace sooner or later in the course of their life. Low back pain affect both young and adults population. Medical schools have time consuming sechulde and sedentary lifestyle and more prevalence of LBP among medical students. In this study those students are attend OPD’s and classes both. A sample of the study is prevalence the LBP in the high academic programs. A retrospective study is involving a questionnaire based on 200 high academic programs students.