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ISSN: 2455-6211

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Discovering Neural Interactions: How Memory ...

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Discovering Neural Interactions: How Memory ...

Discovering Neural Interactions: How Memory is Formed, Minutely?

Author Name : Dr. Vedant Srivastava

ABSTRACT Visual perception represents a multifaceted process whereby light is converted into electrical signals for interpretation by the brain. This study aims to elucidate the mechanisms underlying visual information processing and memory consolidation, addressing the constraints of existing frameworks. We introduce a novel perspective that focuses on the transformation of photonic potential into inter-photonic potential. Our proposed mechanism initiates with the entry of multiple light beams through ocular structures, culminating in the transduction of photonic excitation by retinal photoreceptors, which generates photonic potential. This potential is subsequently converted into inter-photonic potential through interactions with bipolar cells, facilitating the transmission of visual information to associated neural pathways.