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ISSN: 2455-6211

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Dynamics of Urbanization and Development in ...

Dynamics of Urbanization and Development in Chhattisgarh

Author Name : Asif Anwar, Atiqur Rahman, Jabir Hasan Khan

ABSTRACT This study explores demographic and socio-economic trends in Chhattisgarh’s urbanization from 1981 to 2011, comparing them with national trends. Utilizing secondary data sources such as Census of India reports, town directories, planning commission documents, and sample registration system datasheets, the research examines key indicators, including urbanization levels, literacy rates, workforce participation, per capita income, and human development indices. Urbanization levels are measured using percent urbanization and urban-rural ratios, while exponential growth methods determine the annual growth rate. The findings reveal a consistent rise in urbanization, with the urban population increasing from 20.09% in 2001 to 23.24% in 2011, though still lagging behind the national average of 31.14%. Significant growth is observed in Class I cities, particularly in Raipur, which has become the only million-plus city in the Chhattisgarh State.