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East and West in R.K. Narayan’s the Guide

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East and West in R.K. Narayan’s the Guide

East and West in R.K. Narayan’s the Guide

Author Name : Saroj Bala

ABSTRACT R.K. Narayan, one of the distinguished novelists of India, was born on October 10, 1906, in his ancestral village Rasipuram. Soon after his birth, his father, Krishnaswami Iyer, followed many of his classmates from Madras University to idyllic Mysore, where there were great job opportunities. His mother Gananamhal took his brothers and sisters to Mysore and Narayan was left behind in Madras with his grandmother whom he called Ammami. Narayan’s first novel “Swami and Friends”, published in 1935, which records his urchin days with Ammami. Narayan is typically Indian in his thoughts and feelings, and in his scenes and backgrounds.