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Econometric Analysis of Occupational and sect...

Econometric Analysis of Occupational and sector wise workforce participation of Women: Case study of 5 Talukas of Kachchh (Gandhidham, Anjar, Bhuj, Mundra, and Mandvi)

Author Name : Dr. Kalpana Satija, Dr. Jagdish Maheshwari

ABSTRACT workforce participation rate presents people are engaged in various types of work, whether they are in organized or unorganized sectors. Many components are effecting to workforce participation. Great recession and COVID19 impacted on workforce participation in India. It very clear that rate is declining. Here in this study we focus women workforce participation in the course of various occupational structure and sector wise by defined 5 Talukas of Kachchh District in Gujarat. We found by econometric analysis that there is a significant association between occupational structure and women participation in economic activities.