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Effect of Achievement Motivation and Anxiety ...

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Effect of Achievement Motivation and Anxiety ...

Effect of Achievement Motivation and Anxiety on Risk Taking Behaviors

Author Name : Dr. Prakash Kumar Mishra

ABSTRACT The study was conducted on 200 samples drawn from different constituent colleges of J.P. University located at district headquarters. Chapra to verify the hypotheses that those high on n-ach will tend to take more risk than those scoring low in n-ach and individuals scoring high on anxiety will tend to be low risk-takers in contrast to subjects low on anxiety. In order to assess the level of need achievement (n-ach) in subject, Sentence completion test (SCT) developed by mukharjee (1965) was used revised comprehensive test of anxiety (sinha and krishna 1971) was used for assessing the level of anxiety in subject. For the analysis and treatment of the data t-like test (Edwards 1962) instead of conventional ratio was employed in order to minimize the possibility of type error Chi-square was also employed in order to compare risk takers groups.