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Effect of Linear Instruction Strategies in So...

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Effect of Linear Instruction Strategies in So...

Effect of Linear Instruction Strategies in Social Sciences In Relation to Academic Achievement Motivation

Author Name : Baljinder Singh

Aim: In this study, difference between (1.) academic achievements of male and female students of the control and experimental groups, and (2.) academic achievements of low, moderate and high motivated students of the control and experimental groups. Method: Qusi-experimental method was applied in the study. It was conducted through “The Pre-test-Post-test Non-equivalent-Group Design”. Group I was taught by linear instruction strategy i.e. experimental group and group II was taught by traditional method i.e. control group. Phase I included Pre-test (O1 & O3) and academic achievement motivation test administered on the both groups. Phase II included experimental treatment to group I and control treatment to group II. Phase III included post-test (O2 & O4). These three phases were administered at same time to group I and at another time to group II. Experimentally accessible population, that was available to the researcher, was all the 10th class high school students studying in the English medium C.B.S.E. affiliated schools of Kurukshetra district in Haryana and target population was all 10th class high school English medium students of Haryana. By applying cluster sampling technique, two intact groups of the students were randomly selected. Group I i.e. experimental group consisted 32 students out of that two students dropped out. Group II i.e. control group consisted 31 students out of that 1 student dropped out at AAMT. Thus, three students were lead to experimental mortality. So, the results of the study were based on the sample of 60 students i.e. 30 of experimental group and 30 of control group. In order to find out significance of difference between dependent and independent variables “t-test" technique was used.