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ISSN: 2455-6211

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Effect on compressive strength of concrete wi...

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Effect on compressive strength of concrete wi...

Effect on compressive strength of concrete with additive as Polypropylene Fibres and Super plasticizers

Author Name : Vikas Kumar, Er. Rajinder Singh

ABSTRACT:  In today’s world concrete is most widely used in construction field. The use of pozzolanic materials in concrete as partial replacement of cement is gaining wide acceptance in the construction industry. Metakaolin (MK) and fly ash are the pozzolanas, which conform the requirements of construction industry and largely available in India. Metakaolin( MK ) is a pozzolana used to achieve the required strength. The present study investigates the characteristics strength of concrete due to partial replacement of cement by metakaolin and addition of polypropylene fibres (PPF). The authors have designed M30 mix according to IS recommended guidelines. The investigation was carried out on concrete containing metakaolin and polypropylene fibre at various proportions of 0%,7%, 8% and 9%of Metakaolin and0%, 0.2%, 0.5% and 0.8%of polypropylene fibres. Fly ash and Super plasticizer has been added to improve the workability of concrete at a constant percentage i.e. 10% and 0.7% respectively. It has been observed that addition of MK and PPF showed considerable improvement in the strength of concrete. Further it has been observed that optimum gain in compressive strength is at 8% of MK and 0.8%of PPF.