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Effectiveness of Socialization Kit on Lonelin...

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Effectiveness of Socialization Kit on Lonelin...

Effectiveness of Socialization Kit on Loneliness among Senior Citizens Residing In Selected Community Area, Kanchipuram District, Tamil Nadu, Indiaā€¯

Author Name : R. Pavithra, A. Mozhiyarasi, M. Nandhini, R. Murugan., T. R. Manjula, Devaki. K

ABSTRACT Assess the Effectiveness of Socialization Kit on Loneliness Among Senior Citizens Residing in Selected Community Area, Kanchipuram District, Tamil Nadu, India. The objectives were to assess the existing level of loneliness among senior citizens. To determine the effectiveness of socialization kit on loneliness among senior citizens. To associate the level of loneliness with selected demographic variables of senior citizens. 70 samples were selected for our study. We have used Modified University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) Loneliness scale. It showed that Pre test mean (48.3) and standard deviation (8.560) aspects of loneliness clients. Post test mean (33.3) and standard deviation (6.198). In the Pre test Above 40 (78.5%) and Below 40 (21.4%) and the Post test Above 40 (14.28%) and Below 40 (85.7%), Standard error is 1.065 which reveals the effectiveness of Socialization Kit. In association aspects, it revealed that there was significant association between the level of loneliness and age (x2 = 8.40), Educational qualification (x2= 14.3) and Type of family (x2= 19.6) of the senior citizens. It also reveals that there was no association between the level of loneliness and Gender (x2= 2.50), Marital status (x2= 1.59), Sources of income (x2= 0.78) and Hobbies and leisure time activities (x2= 3.61) of the senior citizens. Socialization kit found to be effective in reducing the level of loneliness among the Senior Citizens by providing an opportunity to interact with others while using it.