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ISSN: 2455-6211

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Effects on Day Lighting Levels inside Mutisto...

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Effects on Day Lighting Levels inside Mutisto...

Effects on Day Lighting Levels inside Mutistoried Housing Blocks Due to Mutual Shading

Author Name : Ar. Ritu Singh

ABSTRACT The present study analyses the effects on day lighting levels inside a multistoried building block (G+10) due to the presence of various identical building blocks surrounding it. Mutual shading is an important aspect to reduce solar gains in buildings located in hot & dry climate. At the same time it is important to analyze the effect of mutual shading on day lighting levels inside a building. This paper discusses & compares the day lighting levels inside the building when it is surrounded by identical buildings with varying in-between distances & possible arrangements with respect to the base case of a standalone building. A computerized simulation tool is used to carry out the investigation