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Effects on Removal Efficiency of Physical and...

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Effects on Removal Efficiency of Physical and...

Effects on Removal Efficiency of Physical and Chemical Parameters by Low- Cost Adsorbents in Industrial Wastewater

Author Name : Rahul Rajput, Amarendra Singh, Dr. A.K. Shukla

ABSTRACT This study involved evaluating the physical and chemical characteristics of industrial wastewater of Unnao city, and to evaluate the impurities present in wastewater by performing the standard test in the laboratory. The mitigation process is done by artificially produce waste materials of vegetative, fruits, and poultry such as Banana peel, rice husk, coconut shell, and eggshell. These waste materials are converted into activated carbon (adsorbents) by a standard Procedure taken in this paper. The results obtained from direct effluents of industrial wastewater are pH (11.27), TDS (10000 mg/l ), EC (7.67 s/m), TH (1430 mg/l), TA (1370 mg/l), Chloride (1736 mg/l), Fluoride (11.16 mg/l), COD (2756 mg/l), BOD (617 mg/l), Sodium (9.72 mg/l), Potassium (147.7 mg/l), Sulphate (94.83 mg/l) Phosphate (147.7 mg/l), Total carbon (42.75 mg/l). The collected sample was passed through the adsorbents and a remarkable amount of dosage 0.2g to 1.0g is given to the industrial wastewater and noticeable amount of pollutants were found to be adsorbed are pH (9-50 % ), TDS ( 41-80%), EC (51-51-62%), TH (14-61%), TA (7-56%), Chloride (27-70%), Fluoride (5-90%), COD (42-91%), BOD (7-96%), Sodium(5-56%), Potassium (3-78%), Sulphate (1-50%) phosphate (11-86%), Total carbon (3-50%). This study shows that after treatment the industrial wastewater by various adsorbents produced artificially gave efficient results. The removal efficiency of these low-cost adsorbents is very high, treatment of the wastewater economically. This study also showed that the artificially made adsorbents of Banana peel, rice husk, coconut shell, and Eggshell were efficiently and used as low- cost technique for removal of impurities from industrial wastewater.