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Efficient Service Provisioning with Protectio...

Efficient Service Provisioning with Protection using Path Protection Algorithms for SONET/SDH Networks

Author Name : Deepak Dhadwal, Ashok Arora, V. R. Singh

ABSTRACT For efficient and very high capacity network for Telecommunication and Data services the SONET/SDH network is used. The Service providers are keenly interested to find automatic ways of commissioning the channels associated with the SONET/SDH. The TDMA technology is used in the SONET/SDH network by which the High speed data communication and telecommunication traffic is handled. Due to very high bandwidth of optical network, this has been proved that manual provisioning is not possible efficiently. Another thing which is hard is to cover the protection of the optical network. In this paper, Automatic Path protection algorithms has been implemented and analyzed. The algorithm is suitable for the VCAT like issues. The Dedicated and shared path protection mechanism has been used for the efficient use of the SONET/SDH network. In this paper the basic parameters like probability error, QoS of network, Accepted request and Rejected request have been analyzed by our algorithm. We also investigated the Bandwidth constraint. Using our algorithm we have improved the bandwidth utilization.