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Endodontic Management and Reinforcement of a ...

Endodontic Management and Reinforcement of a Taurodont Tooth with Fiber Reinforced Composite: A Case Report

Author Name : Dr. Abhinav Kumar Singh, Dr. Saurabh Garg, Dr. Deepak J. Parekh, Dr. Neal Bharat Kedia, Dr. Achla Bharti Yadav, Dr. Sumit Kumar Yadav

Taurodontism is the morphoanatomical change in the shape of a tooth, which involves enlargement of the body of the tooth and shortening of the roots. Although a rare dental anomaly, unusual radicular form presents with challenging endodontic considerations. Endodontic management of taurodont teeth has been described as complex and difficult. The present article describes a brief literature review and endodontic treatment of maxillary left molar with hypertaurodontism followed by need for post endodontic rehabilitation with fibre reinforced composite.