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ISSN: 2455-6211

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Energy Efficiency for Green Communication in 5G

Author Name : Shreya Verma, Shreyasi Pandey, Ishan Sharma, Shivansh Srivastava, Deepak Ray


In this paper, we have surveyed various techniques for Energy Efficient 5G networks which can lead towards the green communication and power optimization. The definition of energy efficiency is the number of bits that can be transferred over a unit of power consumption which is denoted by bits per joule. The power needed to transmit data is the major determining factor of energy efficiency in mobile devices. we should adopt the energy efficient architectures for the upcoming next generation networks to meet the increasing demand of quality of service, improved data rate and increased capacity. Along with the fulfilment of these requirements, the social responsibility of reducing the power consumption in a wireless network so as to reduce the carbon footprint is also on our shoulders because the environment should never be ignored in the race of technology.  Hence, green communication is an urgent need.

The primary focus is on the use of MIMO, OFDM, SWIPT, circuit power, mm Waves and Small cells to improve the energy efficiency of the network. We have discussed the importance of Massive MIMO, simultaneous wireless power and information transfer (SWIPT), small cells and millimeter waves and studied them for energy efficiency for communication networks.

Keywords:  SWIPT, Circuit Power, MIMO, OFDM, 5G, Spatial Multiplexing, Diversity, Small Cells