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ISSN: 2455-6211

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Energy Management System for Battery Based Mi...

Energy Management System for Battery Based Microgrid

Author Name : MV Bramhananda Reddy, Gowtham Chendra, K Kiran, J Nagaraju


This paper proposes an efficient energy management system for battery-based hybrid wind-solar- microgrid. The wind and solar energy conversion systems and battery storage system have been developed along with power electronic converters, control algorithms and controllers to test the operation of hybrid microgrid. The power balance is maintained by an energy management system for the variations of renewable energy power generation and also for the load demand variations. This microgrid operates in standalone mode and provides a testing platform for different control algorithms, energy management systems and test conditions. A real-time control is performed by rapid control prototyping to test and validate the control algorithms of microgrid system experimentally. The proposed small-scale renewable energy based microgrid can be used as a test bench for research and testing of algorithms in smart grid applications.

Keywords: Energy management system, hybrid system, microgrid, solar energy, standalone system, windenergy