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ISSN: 2455-6211

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Enhancement of Advanced Encryption Standard ...

Enhancement of Advanced Encryption Standard Algorithm

Author Name : Malla Vimal Sanathan, Vidyam Sree Vathsav Sharma, Rishik Yadav, Shravya Kodur, Sannidhi Sri Sai Hanuma, Mallampati Sai Sashank


Cryptography has an important role in securing information which has gained prominence due to the digitization. Exchange of sensitive personal data such as medical information tends to take place frequently throughout the globe; therefore, protecting data from unauthorized adversary access is imperative. Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm is one of the algorithms which is broadly employed because of its exemplary security and usage in extensive applications. This project demonstrates a better algorithm as a fall back to AES algorithm, if it ever to be breached, additionally solves the problem of implementing in simple IoT devices and immune to cache collision timing attacks.