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ISSN: 2455-6211

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Ergonomic Design of Multipurpose Load Carrier...

Ergonomic Design of Multipurpose Load Carriers: A Comprehensive Review

Author Name : Devesh Kr. Pandey, Tushar Sharma, Suraj Raj, V.K. Ojha


The ergonomic design of multipurpose load carriers plays a crucial role in ensuring efficient and safe material handling and transportation in various industries. This research paper presents a comprehensive review of the key aspects involved in the ergonomic design of multipurpose load carriers. It examines the importance of ergonomic considerations, explores the relevant design principles, and discusses the impact of ergonomics on user comfort, productivity, and safety. The paper also reviews the existing literature on the subject, highlighting successful design approaches and identifying potential areas for improvement. Through this review, the paper aims to provide a valuable resource for researchers, designers, and practitioners interested in optimizing the ergonomic design of multipurpose load carriers.