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Evaluation of Nutritional and Organoleptic Pr...

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Evaluation of Nutritional and Organoleptic Pr...

Evaluation of Nutritional and Organoleptic Properties of Biscuits Developed From Finger Millet and Spinach Puree

Author Name : Tara Pantha, Dr. Moattar Raza Rizvi


An estimated one percent of the global population has celiac disease, and the only cure is a lifelong gluten-free diet (GFD). There is an urgent need to create gluten-free products that are both nutritionally complete and cost-effective because those already in the market are famous for their poor nutritional quality and higher prices. The objective of present study is to develop and evaluate nutritional and organoleptic properties of biscuits developed from finger millet and spinach puree. Finger millet is nutritious and gluten free cereal grain which is rich in dietary fibre, mineral and antioxidants, thereby making it an ideal raw material for preparing gluten free foods for people suffering from celiac disease. Finger millets are also recognized for their health beneficial effects, such as anti-diabetic, anti-tumorigenic, and antioxidant and antimicrobial properties. Efforts were made to prepare biscuits having different combinations of finger millet flour, spinach puree and roasted flaxseed powder were prepared by mixing them in different proportions viz. sample T1 was made by finger millet 80 gram and spinach puree 20 gram, sample T2 was made by finger millet 100 gram, spinach puree 30 gram, flaxseed powder 20 gram whereas sample T3 was made by finger millet 100 gram, spinach puree 40 gram and flaxseed powder 25 gram. 50 panelists were selected for the sensory evaluation using 9-point hedonic rating scale. Data obtained from the sensory evaluation was analyzed by chi-square test. In terms of color, taste, mouth feel and overall acceptability, the analysis result showcased a significant difference among the three samples (p<0.05) whereas in terms of texture and aroma the analysis result showcased no significant difference among the three samples ( p>0.05). As a result, Sample T2 could be recommended because of its highest consumer’s overall acceptability score.

Keywords: Finger millet, spinach, organoleptic properties, hedonic scale