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Experimental analysis on bituminous concrete ...

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Experimental analysis on bituminous concrete ...

Experimental analysis on bituminous concrete mix roads under the uses of dissipation poly (Methylene)

Author Name : Naveen, Pardeep

ABSTRACT: Bituminous Concrete (BC) is a composite material mostly used in construction projects like road surfacing, airports, parking lots etc. It consists of bitumen (used as a binder) or asphalt and mineral aggregate which are mixed together & laid down in layers then compacted. Over the last few decades increasing awareness of human being about environment protection and preservation guides some new techniques. Now a days, the steady increment in high traffic intensity in terms of commercial vehicles, and the significant variation in daily and seasonal temperature put us in a demanding situation to think of some alternatives for the improvisation of the pavement characteristics and quality by applying some necessary modifications which shall satisfy both the strength as well as economical aspects.