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ISSN: 2455-6211

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Experimental and Analytical Study of Repaired...

Experimental and Analytical Study of Repaired and strengthened Reinforced Concrete Beam

Author Name : Aman Mor, Sandeep Singh

ABSTRACT: The aim of this study is to determine the energy absorption capacities of the reinforced concrete (RC) beams of the same concrete class and to obtain the performances of the steel-fiber added beams according to the damage characteristics obtained by the explosive loading. In this paper, effects of blast load on the RC beams samples with and without steel fiber have been investigated. First, the compressive strength of concrete made with and without steel fiber have been measured. Second, the load carrying capasities of the RC beams produced with and without steel fiber are determined by two point loading test. Lust, the damage levels under explosive loading applied on the RC beams produced with and without steel fiber have been observed. The results show that RC beams made with steel fiber is damaged less in blast loading than that of conventional RC beams. The results also show that the expression used in calculating the amount of the explosive material needs to be revised.