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Experimental Study on Despeckling of PolSAR I...

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Experimental Study on Despeckling of PolSAR I...

Experimental Study on Despeckling of PolSAR Images and Edge Detection

Author Name : Ankit Malik, Mr. Sunil Dalal

The main goal of existing speckle filtering algorithms is to reduce the speckle while preserving the information. Some techniques are implemented and their comparative results are discussed. There comparative results of power are discussed. During despeckling with the removal of noise, classification accuracy is also affected. Classification accuracy of Lee Sigma filter and Refined Lee filter is discussed. Along with removal of noise, edges which describe the boundaries of the image should also be preserved. Edge detection is carried out by using canny edge detection with adaptive algorithm. Comparative study of canny edge detection with that of Sobel filter is performed and it has been observed that canny edge detection is better than Sobel filter.