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Experimental Study on Steel Frame Building wi...

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Experimental Study on Steel Frame Building wi...

Experimental Study on Steel Frame Building with Steel Bracing by Seismic Analysis

Author Name : Shubh Kant Yadav, Mr. Vaibhav Gupta,

The study of braced steel frame response is widely studied in many branches of Structural engineering. Many researchers have been deeply studying these structures, over the years, mainly for their greater capacity of carrying external loads. Every Special moment resisting frames undergo lateral displacement because they are susceptible to large lateral loading. As a consequence, engineers have increasingly turned to braced steel frames as an economical means for earthquake resistant loads. The present study consist a Steel Moment Resisting Frame (SMRFs) with concentric bracing as per IS 800 - 2007. K bracing, Inverted V bracing, X bracing and an unbraced steel frame is considered for comparative study. Dimensions of each type of steel frame are similar having G+12 storey, 40 m height. Each floor is of 3m height and ground floor of 4 m height having four no. of bays along length (12m) and width (12m). The analysis is done by using standard package STADD pro. The comparison of these models for different parameters like Shear force, Bending Moment, Displacement, Storey drift and Lateral Forces has been presented by adding different types of bracings. Performance of each frame is studied through Equivalent static analysis.