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ISSN: 2455-6211

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Experimental Study on Strength Characteristic...

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Experimental Study on Strength Characteristic...

Experimental Study on Strength Characteristics of Concrete Mix in 7 Days by Using Polyester Fibre with Super plasticizer

Author Name : Ajay Bansal, Parveen Berwal

ABSTRACT In last few years there has been significant growth in the construction of Roads and various other Civil Engineering projects. Addition of Admixtures and various other materials in concrete has become an important phenomenon to get higher strength of concrete with the same proportion of material at cheaper rate. This work focuses on the comparison of compressive strength of cube, flexural strength of beam and splitting tensile strength of cylindrical specimen of normal M20 grade concrete with the addition of polyester fibre with super plasticizer in the concrete which lead to increase in the compressive strength of cube, flexural strength of beam and splitting tensile strength of cylindrical specimen of M20 grade concrete.