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ISSN: 2455-6211

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Exploring the Feminist Perspective on Land A...

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Exploring the Feminist Perspective on Land A...

Exploring the Feminist Perspective on Land Acquisition in Kheri Sadh, Haryana: Unveiling Gendered Impacts and Realities

Author Name : Ms. Neeraj

ABSTRACT This paper explores the feminist perspective on land acquisition in Kheri Sadh, Haryana, focusing on the gendered impacts and realities of industrialization in India. With the country's increasing prominence on the global stage, driven by liberalization and globalization, multinational corporations have initiated numerous projects requiring extensive land acquisition. Often, these projects target remote villages or forested areas inhabited by tribal and marginalized communities. While the effects of land acquisition are felt by all affected families, the adverse consequences for women are particularly pronounced. In a society where land titles are predominantly held by men, women frequently experience marginalization in decision-making processes regarding land use and ownership. This paper examines the legal frameworks governing property rights, succession, and inheritance in India, shedding light on the disproportionate impact of displacement on women. Through this exploration, the paper aims to raise awareness and contribute to discussions addressing the gendered dimensions of land acquisition, advocating for the protection of women's rights and livelihoods in the face of industrial development.