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Female Gender Subjectivity K. Saraswati Ammaâ...

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Female Gender Subjectivity K. Saraswati Ammaâ...

Female Gender Subjectivity K. Saraswati Amma’s Penbuddhi (Women’s Wit) - a Quest

Author Name : Dr. K. Mini

The ubiquity of women in Malayalam literature can be traced back to a century before. However, every woman carried out their literary work confined within the traditional literary framework. K. Saraswati Amma was the first female author to expound the dynamics and urgency of feminist writing in Malayalam. Elaine Showalter presents three stages of female writing. The feminine stage of writing that imitates men. The feminist stage, which advocated minority rights and protested against the male perspective, and the female stage that proclaims independent identity expression of women. In this, the dissidence and indignation of the feminist stage is embodied in the writings of Saraswati Amma.