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Fight of the Women for Right To Food, Cloth, ...

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Fight of the Women for Right To Food, Cloth, ...

Fight of the Women for Right To Food, Cloth, Shelter In Rural Area of West Bengal: Contribution of Education In Alleviating The Problems of Women

Author Name : Soumita Mukherjee





Now a days the importance of women’s education is increasing . Not only it helps to educate the girls but also it is important to provide them basic facilities. A women’s power is her education . This education is not someone’s mercy .It is her right . This education will make her very strong like goddess Durga was strengthened by the weapons given by all the gods .The girls will also become strong with her education. The empowerment of girls will come from her education. Our constitution have also recognized that education is the right of girls .As stated in article 15 (1)there shall be no discrimination against any citizen of India on the basis of religion , race , caste , gender or place of birth .So , education can help a girl fight against all obstacles .

KEYWORDS: Women education, empowerment, Basic facilities , Article 15 (1) , Obstacles.