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Forensic Evidences Made Tamper-Proof using Bl...

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Forensic Evidences Made Tamper-Proof using Bl...

Forensic Evidences Made Tamper-Proof using Block Chain

Author Name : Veena Potdar, Lavanya Santhosh, Hrithik H, Kanish B, Harsha C, Mahantesh S





In today's digital environment, data is essential at every level of the creative process. Every application field has to store and process data securely. Data must be impervious to manipulation because changes may be made. Data can be represented and stored in heterogeneous formats. An organization's critical information may be under threat. In an effort to alter those data, attackers take deliberate action in response to the growth in cybercrime. But it has a big impact on the forensic proof required for provenance. Therefore, as digital evidence moves through several forensic investigative stages, it is crucial to maintain its validity and provenance. This process involves passing the prepared report through several levels or intermediaries, such as a pathology lab, a doctor, a police department, etc. For the development of transparent systems with unalterable forensic evidence, block chain technology is more suitable. The movement of assets and evidence reports can be done transparently and decentralized thanks to block chain technology. In this work, a secure, Block Chain-based approach of forensic evidence storage is suggested. Anyone in the forensic chain can quickly determine if forensic evidence has been tampered with at any point. The security of the evidence is improved by implementing the storing and processing of forensic data utilizing block chains, which have excellent integrity, traceability, and immutability.

Keywords: Forensic evidence, block chain, digital evidence, pathology report, Hyperledger.