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Geopolitical intention of China's investment ...

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Geopolitical intention of China's investment ...

Geopolitical intention of China's investment in Africa: a case of Djibouti

Author Name : Kouakou Ignace Kouadio, Dr. Anand Kumar


Located on one of the most used sea routes in the world, the Horn of Africa is an essential leg of China's New Silk Roads (Belt and Road Initiative - BRI) project in Africa. In this region it is reflected in an influx of construction contracts in port and rail infrastructure. We propose here to look back and analyze the strategy of local actors by mobilizing the concept of extraversion. The asymmetry of relations between China and the countries of the region is not suffered. It is accepted and even becomes a means of action for local regimes. We will focus on the relations between China, Ethiopia and Djibouti. These relationships are based on an economic and political partnership. The new Silk Roads strengthen a regional order established around Ethiopia's regional power.

Key words: Belt and road initiative, Horn of Africa, Djibouti, Geopolitics, China