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Good Governance

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Good Governance

Good Governance

Author Name : Ravi Kumar Mishra

ABSTRACT  The high level of insecurity on the internet is becoming worrisome so much so that transaction on the web has become a thing of doubt. Cybercrime is becoming ever more serious and prevalent. Findings from 2002 Computer Crime and Security Survey show an upward trend that demonstrates a need for a timely review of existing approaches to fighting this new phenomenon in the information age. In this paper, we provide an overview of Cybercrime and present an international perspective on fighting Cybercrime. The threat from professional criminals and state sponsored saboteurs in cyber space is growing and continues to become more sophisticated. State sponsored saboteurs focus on economic and political espionage and on making preparations for digital sabotage. Not only are the number of countries that are developing digital attack capabilities increasing, the attacks that are carried out are also becoming increasingly complex.