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ISSN: 2455-6211

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Grapes (Vitisvinifera): Taxonomy, Phytochemis...

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Grapes (Vitisvinifera): Taxonomy, Phytochemis...

Grapes (Vitisvinifera): Taxonomy, Phytochemistry, Medicinal Uses and Pharmacology

Author Name : Shreya Bhandari, Sonali V. Uppalwar

ABSTRACT Background: The grapevine, or Vitisvinifera, is a rich source of bioactive substance that may have health advantages. The phytochemistry and pharmacology of Vitisvinifera are thoroughly examined in this paper, with particular attention paid to the plant's anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, and antioxidant qualities. We go over the variables affecting the phytochemical makeup of grapevine extracts and how they might be used in the food, medicine, and cosmetics sectors. According to our data, extracts from Vitisvinifera show encouraging cardiovascular and neuroprotective properties, which call for more research. In order to fully realize the potential of Vitisvinifera-based products for human health and well-being, this review seeks to promote research and development in this area.