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Historical Reform of Modern India 19th Centur...

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Historical Reform of Modern India 19th Centur...

Historical Reform of Modern India 19th Century

Author Name : Gurbux Rai


A distinct feature of the 19th century India was the urge for social and religious reforms which cut across castes and communities. India had a long tradition of religious reforms and social dissent. During the ancient period, an urge for reform can be seen in Upanishadic texts, Buddhism, Jainism, Vajrayan, Tantricism etc. During the medieval age, the popularity of the Bhakti and the Sufi saints is well known. Attempts to explore India's past by the first generation of British rulers helped to sharpen educated classes' consciousness of their own existence. Early reformers were groping to find suitable answers. But the agenda for the modernization was not set by the western influence because the logic for reform was sought to be located within India's past.

Key Words: 19th Century, Jainism, Budhism, Reforms, Western, Influence, Child Marriage, Sati Pratha, Widow Remarriage.