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How Social Media effects on tobacco uses amon...

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How Social Media effects on tobacco uses amon...

How Social Media effects on tobacco uses among Indian Children

Author Name : Dr. Reema Kumari

ABSTRACT Social Media are becoming powerful effective force in the daily life of children. Social media differ from traditional / industrial media in many ways, including quality, reach, frequency, usability, immediancy and permanence. Internet users continue to spend more time with social media sites than any other type of site. Total time spent on social media in the India across PC and Mobiles devices increasing day by day. Social media can be beneficial for those who promote their websites or business online. But for the so called “Social media butterflies” overusing it may affect their lives negatively. More and more people are becoming loners and that’s really dangerous for their health. Due to the increase in social media website, there seems to be a positive correlation between the uses to such media with cyber-bullying, online sexual predators and the decrease in face to face interactions. Social media may expose children to image of alcohol, tobacco and sexual behaviors. Tobacco uses among children is becoming a serious problem in India.