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HR Analytics in Business and it’s Organizat...

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HR Analytics in Business and it’s Organizat...

HR Analytics in Business and it’s Organizational Effectiveness

Author Name : Akshat Negi


The main objective of this research study is to carry a structuredanalysis by obtaining the secondary data frompublished journals on Human Resource Analytics in an attempt to bring forward certain issues associated with concerns such as theantecedents , constantly emerging trends , different involved methods , the outcomes , and the domination impacting the success of its affectation .With HR Analytics exposure it has become easy for organizations inassembling , elucidating , and calculating the HR data .HR Analytics works as a tool which is a fusion of several statistical techniques enabling collection, clarification , calculation , and conjecturing of data. Itappraises clarification to different problems in the organizations and make precise decisions. HR analytics thusorient overall business strategywith the Human Resource strategy to secure a competitive dominance . Beside having a number of experimental studyassociating thepositive impacts of Human Resource Analytics to business competitivenessandorganizational effectiveness this study is of reasonable practical importance . We faced numerous issues in data collection process while conducting the research due to the unfamiliarity of the subject and also due to theapplicability and availability of research on the implementation and it’sinfluence on the businesses.HR Analyticspredicts the requirements for workforce, empower HR to attain corporate goals, and boost organizational performance which helps in attaining success and provides various opportunities to businesses .

The research stipulates that regardless of increasing interest and popularity in Human Resource Aanalytics , HR professionals still have a lot to cover before achieving maturity in analytical field . Furthermore, the research reveals that HR is revolving towards a more planned function and playing a crucialpart in organization’s decision making.This paperaims to discover opportunities and challenges look out by the business firm in executing HR analytics as a tool . This research also provides with HR analyticstheoretical conceptsdefined on the secondary data compiled from previousjournal of the year 2016-2019 , various research papers, given by different research scholars, websites , and blogs providing recent data on HR analytics along with the pros and cons of implementing and using HR analytics.